2021 or 2022?


Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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Rubbish. Did you know in advance about the impending Covid pandemic. To plan for an unexpected pandemic if this proportion it would be wise to stay at home sitting on the sofa. According to you that will your plan while waiting for the next pandemic. Total idiotic plan for the future. Jusy keep repeating "shit happens get over it" lock the doors, stay home just in case. Essentially on this occasion there is no escape route. Governments have closed the borders. It is totally beyond the control of cruisers who have been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The back up plan is a boat ready to cross an ocean. We did just that last year to get home when we were locked down in Grenada. There were no flights. If these people can't sail away why are they on a boat?


Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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NZ has had 26 deaths from Covid in a population of c.5m. I reckon its policy is working pretty damn well. Why the hell should it be expected to be a refugee centre for random cruisers?
And NZ will only let you in if you need a major refit. The legislation states:

The Director-General may give permission for a ship to arrive in New Zealand only if—
(a) all of the persons on board the ship are able to travel to New Zealand in accordance with the Immigration Act 2009; or
(b) the ship is seeking permission to arrive in New Zealand for the purpose of—
(i) reprovisioning or refuelling, or both; or
(ii) carrying out a refit or a refurbishment of, or a repair to, the ship that is more than minor; or
(iii) delivering the ship to a business; or
(c) there is a compelling need for the ship to arrive in New Zealand for humanitarian reasons.

Your gripe that NZ is letting boats in only for money is tired and wrong.
The definition of 'major' is interesting. Our friends will arrive there from the South Pacific in October. They don't 'need' a major refit. The boat is in good mechanical order but they have committed to spend $50k NZ on the boat. This will likely be a new paint job, sails, Coppercoat,etc
They want to spend time in NZ so they filled the forms in and committed to the spend.
NZ is letting boats in only for the money