£0.43 Fix for Meaco DD8L Dehumidifier


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19 Jun 2005
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The sides just pulls apart once you have removed all the casing screws, it is held together by plastic type clips which come apart by carefully going along with a flat blade screw driver.

I've taken quite a few different dehumidifiers apart and many of them have hidden screws. The trick if it doesn't come apart is to look:
Underneath, under the handle, underneath removable grills, in the void where the water collector lives and sometimes under labels


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17 Mar 2017
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Hello, I confirm Henry's fix for my 2 year old Meaco with a flashing error lights: I opened everything up as explained by many other posts, removed the wheel motor that hums but doesn't turn. Disassembled the motor to find honey-viscosity lube on all the gears and the rotor shaft, hit it with a dissolvant and it started working again but not smoothly each start-up, sometimes it would grind or just hum. I then removed a small lever on the back side of the first gear (which is designed to ensure the motor rotated in the same direction). Then the motor ran smoothly each start up but a random direction... but doesn't matter for our desiccant wheel! Vacuumed all the dust out, put it all back together and it's up and running fine.

Just FYI for those out looking for spare parts, there is no serial # or brand on this geared motor, but it is 220V and turns at 5 RPM.


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18 Nov 2017
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My DD8L makes a squeaking noise. Not constantly but now and then. Lately more often.
IN order to apply some crease and oil I would like to get to the turning parts but don't know how to take the machine apart.

In my opinion I don't have to take everything apart, I just would like to remove the back panel. Can one of you tell me please what I have to do? And I want to de-dust the machine. It's +- 3 years old and working very well - except that funny squeaking. The machine is running day and night in my flat, that's why it's a bit of a problem during the night.


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10 Dec 2017
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I've got a DD8L Junior. When I turn it on the 'tank full' light comes on, despite the fact it's empty. The little float in the side of the tank is moving OK. I use the tank and not constant drain as it's in my house not on a boat. Any ideas?


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26 Jan 2011
Worcester, UK
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I've got a DD8L Junior. When I turn it on the 'tank full' light comes on, despite the fact it's empty. The little float in the side of the tank is moving OK. I use the tank and not constant drain as it's in my house not on a boat. Any ideas?

Yes - its the magnetic microswitch behind a panel on the inner left wall of the hole where the tank fits. Remove the plate and you wills ee the switches (there is a pair, in series). You can get a simple replacement off eBay or RS components or similar for bout 1.50p.

the only problem I had was that the sesitivity of the magnetic switch was different so the tank would show 'full' when only actually half full. I fixed that by trying a less sensitive magnet in the polystyrene float. A bit of trial and error is needed.

Edited to add: This is the switch i bought http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Miniature-Glass-Magnetic-Reed-Switch-/121545592905?hash=item1c4cae9049
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10 Dec 2017
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Thanks. I'll try that. I have an injured finger at the moment so can't start to take it apart so it will have to wait a few weeks.


24 Sep 2016
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This is becoming the official "Meaco DD8L woes" thread (sorry OP).

My DD8L Junior (1 1/2 years old) started behaving strangely a few months ago. It will happily start, blow hot air, and work for hours, then the warning light will start blinking for no apparent reason.

Tried with the tank on, or via tube drainage, same error.

I wondered if excessive boat motion would be the reason why. The marina can become seriously bumpy down there depending on the wind, and problems started when I moved my boat from a well sheltered port (Beaulieu) to the current one. But I might as well start taking apart the whole d*mn thing to clean the dust


24 Sep 2016
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Once on the boat, I (more or less easily) disassembled the Meaco thanks to the practical advices above, found that there was little dust and that the motor was rotating fine. Hmmm. Switched it on, it ran for a couple minutes then the warning light started blinking again. Oh well.

Tried it at home, the d*mn thing worked immediately and ran overnight with no issues.

Could it be that the (new to me) marina is supplying a poor voltage, which the unit detects and refuses to use ?


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31 Aug 2009
Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berks
Another woe (actually not a complaint as it has given us years of service, running continuously from November to March). Is there a "quick fix" for a DD8L Junior that takes out the marina trips and household trips the instant power is applied. I have actually purchased another but thought I would ask before the old one went to the tip.


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10 Dec 2017
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Well, I finally tried that but after changing both switches I still have the same problem. Do the switches have polarity and could I have fitted them the wrong way round? Thanks for your help.


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26 Jan 2011
Worcester, UK
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You Can jury rig it by twisting the two wires to the circuit board together. In other words the circuit has to be continuous for the device to work. This will tell you for sure whether the issue is the microswitches or something else.
If wiring those two leads together (or short them with a piece of wire) makes it work then you definitely have a microswitch issue
You can get switches that are normally closed and open when near a magnet or the other way round
I THINK these ones should be normally open then as the tank goes in (empty) the magnet closed them. As the water level rises the magnet moves away and they open
That way the machine won’t work without the tank in place or when the tank is full
The two switches should be wired in series but the circuit board takes care of that. Thus if one switch fails (welds itself shut) the other stops the machine flooding the location!
Does that help?


Well-known member
27 Feb 2007
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Great info here. I just bought one of these and it is very effective so good to know where to check when it dies.


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10 Dec 2017
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Thanks for your help
I've sourced a replacement circuit board from Meaco. A bit more than 43p but still a lot cheaper than a service. They were very helpful.


Active member
26 Jan 2011
Worcester, UK
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Thanks for your help
I've sourced a replacement circuit board from Meaco. A bit more than 43p but still a lot cheaper than a service. They were very helpful.

Tell us how, please! Meaco refused point blank to supply me with ANY sort of electrical spares on grounds that I might injure myself!

To whom did you speak/email?


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7 Jan 2005
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Apologies for resurrecting this very useful thread.
My DDL8 Junior has worked flawlessly for 3 years.
I tested the unit OK at home and took it back to the boat for keeping things dry over the winter.
The unit runs for around 1 minute (20 secs on laundry) then a 'click' like a relay, the fan indicator flashes a few times, then the warning triangle comes on (flashing) and the fan runs slowly (like the power down cycle). The exhaust air feels like it has never had a chance to warm up.
Filter all clean as is the humidity sensor.
Dessicant wheel is also turning and no squeeks or other noises.
Is there some other sensor for the air flow?
I did see a couple of 'blocks' (relays/fuses?) on the circuit board labelled J01 and J02?
Any ideas? New board maybe?