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  1. Sandro

    PBO Article from late seventies Conversion of Outboard to TVO or Paraffin

    we have a very old Pasquali rototiller (correct term?) with a Lombardini petrol/paraffin engine. The cilindrical tank is divided in two sections; the fuel tap has two inputs and three positions: shut, petrol, paraffin. Rust has pierced through the internal partition, so it is all paraffin. To...
  2. Sandro

    Seagull parts diagram/ workshop manual?

    @andsarkit #20 +1 Literally from the original "OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS" booklet got with the new motor in 1963: "... and avoid grease for the gearbox like the plague."
  3. Sandro

    Bad battery behaviour.

    Apart from freezing and leaking, I noticed that, as the OP says, good old time car batteries used to give early warnings of decading, whereas nowadays batteries work properly until last minute and suddenly die.. No idea which could be the inner difference.
  4. Sandro

    Outboard tilt starting

    Some Yamaha 3 hp Malta were issued with a tell-tale hole, some not. As mine had not one, I pierced a suitable hole in the power head lower casting. Before taking to the drill, the pro and con and where etc. were thoroughly discussed in a long and useful thread in this forum lasting from 2019 to...
  5. Sandro

    What does “tiller hard over to starboard” mean to you?

    Also in Italian in a sailing boat we sometimes use "barra sotto" meaning "tiller down" or "barra sottovento" meaning "tiller to lee" for luffing, but either in naval or merchant to day shipping the unambiguous orders are "timone a dritta" and "timone a sinistra" meaning "rudder to starboard"...
  6. Sandro

    How to remove this old mast foot?

    You just want to renew the wiring. Can't you do it without disturbing the mast foot? From the picture this seems to be still in acceptable conditions. If it not broke....
  7. Sandro

    Trailer winch ?

    A rigid one-axe trailer can unload the boat on dry land without back-breaking, just unhitching it from the car and lifting the towbar. I added two small nailon wheels at the rear end of the spine to ease the trailer wedging itself under or pulling itself out from under the boat.
  8. Sandro

    Trailer winch ?

    Fisherman said: "I don't like hauling the boat up over the trailer back end ". Same worries: to relieve the spine I fitted a retractable little leg under the back end of the trailespine (neither I ever dip the trailer). There is a time, the first moment of retrieving, when the cable pulls up the...
  9. Sandro

    Most effective locking washer?

    In the very interesting articles suggested by john_morris_uk, I was impressed by the lack of reliability of the locking helical spring washers ("Grover washers" as as we call them), in which I trusted life long. My idea was that, when vibration causes a momentarily gap under the nut thus freeing...
  10. Sandro

    Knife sharpening

    Nice work. This reminds me of my first car in the fifties: The Fiat 500 "Topolino" (little mouse) C station wagon that had wood and masonite panels. Not my car photo. Mine was much more battered.
  11. Sandro

    Knife sharpening

    Thank you Binnacle. Found a lot of information that I am going to put in practice. About knives, since a little boy I have a small folding knife in my pocket, now a three inch Opinel; I am aware that I risk some problems but I would explain them it is a tool, not a weapon, hoping they would...
  12. Sandro

    Knife sharpening

    As I see here many knowing about sharpening, I have a question. I inherited from my father in law a few oil stones, all embedded in wooden holders, that I use for shrpening woodworking tools, kitchen knifes and boat knife. The problem is they all are not flat, but worn hollow in the central...
  13. Sandro

    Is it worth it ? Sink covers ?

    @BobnLesley, deck shoes are used on shore too... Anyway OT
  14. Sandro

    Is it worth it ? Sink covers ?

    A friend's 6 m catboat had the sink just beside the stairs from the gangway. Often you walked with shoe sole on the sink rim. For sake of hygiene I very strongly convinced him to rig a sink cover.
  15. Sandro

    was the mirror dingy the best little ship ever built?

    Neeves seems looking for a boat to sail IN and not ON. A 12' international could suit. Wooden or GRP, oars, lugsail, outboard motor, and a real "boat", not a sports tool wetting your back bottom. Ours was our first family boat in 1954 and is still in commission, even if seldom launched. I...
  16. Sandro

    Yamaha Malta outboard. Comments please

    3 HP, good 2 stroke outboard, very well made.
  17. Sandro

    Another free boat

    Lovely boat. All original and conserved. Never had an engine. Wood looks sound too, as far as can be seen from a photo. I have the same hope as Stemar, just to avoid the bonfire that would be a crime
  18. Sandro

    Curious clip on screwdriver

    You lucky for such a wonderful encounter at the dump site!
  19. Sandro

    Boom end fitting

    What I would do, similar to what Refueler suggests, with only usual home tools: Remove the insert, enlarge the hole, drilling with the minimum size allowing it to be round: 10, 12, or 14 mm. Take a stainless steel bolt of the chosen size, cut away half the hex head, leaving 2.5 mm thickness...
  20. Sandro

    3 years of crashing into stuff, and I'm only out of the water for one week and...

    The shape and the number of the marks strongly support eilerts' theory of the nail protruding from a pier and the wavelets.