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  1. C

    Swansea Marina Inner lock gate refurbishment

    Don’t be silly - they use highly trained dolphins!
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    Swansea Marina Inner lock gate refurbishment

    Hi Everyone just giving heads up on some planned refurbishment work at Swansea Marina over the coming weeks. This is the marina lock not the Tawe lock. As part of Swansea Council’s ongoing commitment to re-investing in its Marina facility, a total refurbishment of the Marina Lock inner gates...
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    portable generator. Which one?

    Totally agree with Assassin. I’m currently looking into this myself, first thought was to go for a small generator as many people have mentioned, research has found other solutions such as battery power stations such as the ecoflow delta range as an example link here Portable Power Stations...
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    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone
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    Massive Favour To Ask...

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    Motorboat Owner magazine closes

    just had this email from motorboat owner magazine, such a shame This email comes to you not with the usual excitement of a new issue, but with the sad news that Motorboat Owner has closed. We are sure that you are as disappointed as us with this announcement, but events have conspired to ensure...
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    My 895

    Totally agree, I have a 1095 and I am going through the tender decision making at the moment Have a look over in the jeanneau owners forum (sorry can’t seem to add links - lack of posts I think) there are a number of threads discussing dinghies and solutions for 885’s. Also the Jeanneau...
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    Welsh Mob this Easter

    Just seen an update from Swansea marina - Tawe lock reopens tomorrow at 7 am and summer hours have been brought forward. Only local users though due to Welsh stay local rules.
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    Petrol in the Brizzle Channel

    Thanks vodzurk for keeping this thread updated. I’m berthed at swansea and chatting with the marina staff, they mentioned that they were limited on the size of the petrol tank that they were allowed to install (something like 2500 litres but don’t quote me). which is why they sometimes run...
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    Diesel vs Petrol

    When I last filled up at the end of November it was roughly £1.23 ish a litre which was about 11/12p over the local sainsbury’s price at the time, that was berth holders price not sure what the visitors price was sorry.
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    Diesel vs Petrol

    Swansea Marina has Petrol at its fuel pontoon now.