Recent content by Habebty

  1. Habebty

    Leaking saildrive seal? Or what?

    Has the boat ever had a "travel lift incident" where the straps have caught under the saildrive while the boat is lifted ? Hoist operator might have noticed and quietly and quickly lowered the boat to reposition the strop having stressed the saildrive mounting frame.
  2. Habebty

    Applying antifoul - novice rookie question

    I would also add disposable paper type overalls with hood - a must). Use either disposable latex gloves or reusable waterproof gloves. Goggles also useful.
  3. Habebty

    Applying antifoul - novice rookie question

    What I do as well - for last 20 years. Foam rollers always seem to "melt" with the solvent. B&Q do a good 600mm telescopic handle for 9" rollers. The short pile roller has the advantage of putting 2 coats on at once ;) . 1 1/2 tins Hempel Tiger Extra for my 29-0 bilge keeler.
  4. Habebty

    Beta Marine 20 smoking

    B&Q brick cleaner works in about 5 minutes (no sharp implements needed), then rinse in clean fresh water. I need to do the end caps as well as limescale seems collect there also,
  5. Habebty

    Zodiac Inflatable Oar

    Wanted - one Zodiac 2 piece oar with rowlock. Lost one off Felixstowe last year. Would consider a pair if cheap enough. Can collect Norfolk/Suffolk.
  6. Habebty

    Brighton Marina Mud

    Probably suspended particles that remain in suspension in the tidal Channel outside but settle in the calmer marina inside? Probably the same mechanism that has shafted some Bristol Channel marinas.
  7. Habebty

    Brighton Marina Mud

    I think you are right about the base of chalk, but the first time I went there about 2005, there was plenty of water at low tide, so there must be about 3m of mud sitting on the chalk now? The only caution I remember was not to attempt the entrance at low water in poor sea states. It wasn't...
  8. Habebty

    Brighton Marina Mud

    Blimey, didn’t realise it had got that bad in there. Just popped up on my facebook feed so might have been a few weeks ago on a big tide, apologies if posted before! Should still be able to view if not on Facebook. Yesterday morning at #Brighton Marina, the spring tides led to significant tidal...
  9. Habebty

    Tally Ho's capstan

    I for one have enjoyed following Tally Ho from the beginning. I would guess that as the project got more popular, the possibilities for improving the rebuild/new build (don't think it matters in this case) became obvious. Good for Leo using the benefits of YouTube/Patreon to finance the work...
  10. Habebty

    Beta 20 water leak

    Should cost about £5 for new seals from someone like ASAP. But yes, check the shaft for wear. Easy to remove pump and dismantle. Also check area on engine where the pump is bolted to for any corrosion.
  11. Habebty

    Advice about Saint Alban's head passage tomorrow

    I found Weymouth more expensive than Portland. Rafted 4 out in the cove with no shorepower and a bloody long walk to the showers/bogs. Will always use Portland over Weymouth when heading west
  12. Habebty

    RYA members should get an email with free Boat Show ticket

    Knew that would happen after I told them to stick their membership 😁
  13. Habebty

    Insurance renewal shock

  14. Habebty

    Insurance renewal shock

    GJW for nearly twenty years. No price increase for me for last five years.
  15. Habebty

    Fox's Restaurant

    And they closed early. Tried getting a beer at 2030 one summer Friday night and they were locking up. I think people had given up going there due to the erratic opening hours?